When you are looking to improve your hearing and combat any hearing loss issues you might be experiencing, hearing aids will play a big role in this. They are a key component in improving comfort and quality of life, as well as enhancing confidence once again by allowing people to better connect with the different individuals and sound environments in their life. Hearing aids are crucial to managing hearing loss long-term and will play a decisive role in allowing you to have a increase your quality of life.

If you have recently been told you need hearing aids, and you want to ensure you are getting the most out of this experience, it is important to understand how these devices work and will improve your ability to hear and communicate. Many factors can influence your hearing aid wearing experience, ranging from the style you choose, the size of the device and the features you have it equipped with. Once you have selected the right technology for your unique needs, you will need to learn about how to care for your device, when to wear it and when to take it out. Here is a guide to whether or not you should be wearing your hearing aids all the time, and how you can get the most out of them moving forward.

What is Recommended?

When wearing hearing aids for the first time, it is important to remember there will be an adjustment period to help you get used to this new technology. Once comfortable, you should be attempting to wear your hearing aids as much as needed, except when you are sleeping, bathing, swimming or getting a haircut. This is the recommended step to take, and something that can enhance the way you are able to use your hearing aid. It is important to be patient with brand new hearing aids, and give your brain and ears a chance to adapt to being able to hear all of the amazing new sounds of life as much as possible.

What if You Don’t?

Of course, there is no rulebook that says you absolutely have to wear your hearing aids all day every day, but this would certainly be preferable. The problem with not doing this is that it can make your hearing loss worse, as you might raise the volume of things to hear them better which can further damage your auditory health. Additionally, even if you aren’t turning up volumes, by not using your hearing aids, there is a distinct lack of sensory input and this can lead to problems with your brain not picking up sensory input, which will decrease it! This is why it is so important to make sure you wear your hearing aids as much as possible, to help your brain stay sharp and to keep hearing the little sounds that might have been fading.

How to Ensure You Can Use Them Effectively

One of the things you need to keep in mind when you are looking to use hearing aids all the time is proper maintenance. You have to understand some of the best ways of being able to improve and maintain the condition of your hearing aids, and look at what you can do to be able to use them as well as possible. This means talking to your audiologist about how often you should be cleaning them, bringing them in for professional maintenance and what signs to look for if your devie begins malfunctioning.

One thing that will help with this is to ensure you store them correctly when you are not using them, so they are protected and will continue to operate at full working order. Another thing to consider is the fact that you need to make sure the batteries are fully functional, and this will typically mean charging them at night to make sure they are powered up as much as possible. These are a few of the best things you can do to help you ensure you are able to use your hearing aids on a frequent basis as much as possible.

If you are looking to get the most benefits from your hearing aid experience, it’s vital that you wear them at all times when engaging with others or leaving the home. Not only will this help reduce the chances of your hearing worsening in a short period of time, it will help you reconnect with the hearing world around you. If you have questions about hearing aid usage, give the Center for Better Hearing office a call at 510-768-7091.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid basics