Whether you’re new to wearing hearing aids or accustomed to your devices, visiting or living in places with cold weather can wreak havoc on your technology. So before you take that snowy ski trip or settle in with the cold weather, make sure you know how to properly care for your hearing aids in cold weather.

Condensation happens

Avoid leaving your hearing device in extremes of temperature, such as the car glove box. It’s not the cold that does the damage; actually, many devices are robust enough to withstand physical freezing. But the condensation that forms inside the casing when it warms up is a completely different story.

Picture eyeglasses when you go somewhere warm after being in the cold – they often fog up. A similar process happens with your hearing aids. Simply walking in the snow and returning indoors can lead to condensation buildup, particularly in the battery casing.

One sign of trouble is when the device stops working after you return indoors from somewhere cold. If this happens, open the battery compartment and allow it to air out. If your hearing aid is still acting up after drying it completely, contact your hearing provider for more assistance.

How to combat condensation

At the end of each day open the battery compartment, remove the battery and wipe the surfaces dry with a lint-free cloth. Then, leave the hearing aid open to air out overnight. If you frequently deal with condensation, consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier.

Dehumidifiers are inexpensive and simple to use, making them a worthwhile purchase to care for your devices.

Perspiration and precipitation

It’s surprisingly easy to work up a sweat in cold weather. Anyone who’s ever shoveled snow will know how hats, scarves and mittens soon get shed as you get hotter and hotter. However, know that building up a sweat is yet another source of moisture and condensation for your hearing device. Unless yours is a water-resistant device, consider removing the hearing aid prior to digging out the car from a snowdrift, if you anticipate getting hot in the process.

Also, when it pours down, wear a hat or carry an umbrella to protect your ears from precipitation that could damage your hearing device. A good compromise is to wear earmuffs, as these can also protect your hearing from the hazard of overly-loud noises like a snow plow passing by or snow blowers.

Remember, take a few simple steps to care for your hearing device in cold weather, and it will thank you by working well for many more seasons to come.